About Us
Our goal is to make therapy available and affordable to EVERYONE!
Our Story
I became a Psychotherapist because I wanted to help people, and I already have helped thousands of people change their lives and become the people they wanted to become, but I have always been disheartened with how much therapy can end up costing people, it has never really sat right with me.
I have always remained loyal to my clients and kept my costs as low as physically possible, but if you have ever tried to access therapy before you are aware you can pay upwards of £60+ per hour, and you might need 10-20 sessions to feel yourself again, which I completely understand is way above what most people can afford! Along with that I am only 1 person and there are only a set amount of hours in the day that I can see clients so there are only a limited number of clients that I can see . . . so I have been wondering for a while now:
1. How can I make therapy affordable and available to EVERYONE?
2. How can I help a LOT more clients than I am already?
So that’s when I decided to develop this training/coaching platform! You can access 1,2,3 hours of high quality video content + handouts and workbooks that you can keep coming back to for as long as you need for a fraction of what my hourly rate would be (some are just £1!!!).
I’m not saying it is a perfect solution, and some people will still need one to one therapy (which I am of course still happy to provide either online or in person, contact me here) but If I can teach you the basics of WHY you are anxious or WHY you get angry and have relationship problems and give you hints, tips, notes and ways for you to manage and cope then I think it could be a very valuable resource for you to hopefully live a fuller, more enjoyable life.
What was your life like BEFORE the anxiety, or BEFORE the overthinking or depression? What if you CAN get back to being that person? Invest in your mental health TODAY and try the first module of any of our courses for FREE! I promise it will be the best FREE, £1 or £30 you ever spend!