Introduction to Parenting an Anxious Child

Welcome to this parenting an anxious child course. It’s great you are taking the first step in finding out more. 

In the 5 modules that make up this course we will be looking at:

The four domains of the self

  • Thinking
  • Feeling
  • Behaviour
  • Physiological

This is based on a well known theory around the whole self, created by Richard Erskin.

Module 1

Module 1 will be around ‘Thinking’, and how our thoughts affect our feelings and behaviours, the thought chain, and positive and negative self talk and how this can impact on us.

Module 2

Module 2 will be around ‘Feeling’, how we can have a feeling without having to do anything with it. The ‘stories’ we make up around feelings and what we can do to change this.

Module 3

Module 3 will be around ‘Behaviour’, how we can alter our behaviour once we understand how thoughts and feelings impact on us.

Module 4

Module 4 will be around ‘Physiological’, and how the knowledge we have gained so far can be used to help us be aware of changes in our body.

Module 5

Module 5 is about bringing it all together. How we can support out children when they feel stressed, overwhelmed, anxious or any other state. We will be looking at ‘our state of mind’ and how this can fluctuate and how that then affects our thinking and feelings.